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Rick Perry Is No More in the Race

Texas Governor Rick Perry is out of the race and he broke this news to Ray Sullivan his senior aide at a popular burger joint. I guess he is pretty cool about the news.

His journey to White started on a promising note but sadly had to end. I still remember the day when he began the campaign; it was August 13th, 2011 he started with the race in Charleston.

He was quite confident in the beginning that he would do well. But, soon confidence was transformed into over confidence and what followed was a series of glitches and apprehensions during speeches.

One of the incident happened in Florida when he stumbled in a debate session. And then many such instances followed that can embarrass any presidential candidate. It became difficult for him to get past the embarrassment and start afresh.
He could never able to get up again start the campaign with vigor. On January 19th, 2012, he withdrew himself from the race from the same place from where he started.

What began with great pomp and joy came to a sad end and that too in the harsh and cold winters. He had to accept that White House is still a distant dream for him.

Sullivan commented that Perry knew that this was coming and the latter made some statements to Sullivan that was rather pointing towards defeat.

It was only later at the burger joint he confided to his aide that what is happening. Perry revealed that he is doing this out of sheer respect for the people of South Carolina. He wanted the people to choose and vote the best man for the post.

Perry’s aide Sullivan remarked after the announcement that this decision was solely of Perry and his family and no outsiders are involved in it.
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