Invest in Facebook? What if its power users flee in the near future? - Fun
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Invest in Facebook? What if its power users flee in the near future?

They say millions all over the world are today less lonely than they were eight years ago. That awkward statement out of the blue might bring in a momentary frown on your faces, but this is reality. The success of a social networking website that is undoubtedly the most popular e-discovery in the last eight years, and today is a part and parcel of over 800 million people all over the world is very real.

Eight years ago, one couldn’t sit back in the UK ten years after college, and suddenly discover that he can reach out to and revive contacts with old mates from college, who are now busy in their own lives and are treading on absolutely variant career paths.

More to it, the positivity that comments on our shared thoughts and pictures shower on us, simply makes us happy, and as a result we just can’t stop sharing our stuff on the site.

Recently, a study has revealed that most of the activities on the site are from only 20% percent of the most active users. This portion of the site’s members avail most of the facilities on the site and are responsible for the maximum number of clicks after signing in.

Now, the issue is if this 20 percent of users disappear or lose interest in the domain, they will be carrying away all their activities along with them.

Now, on the verge of turning into a publicly-traded company, the company started trying to set an initial public offering price for its stocks, and in the process noticed this serious concern.

For investors it is, as they are aware that if this 20 percent of power users leave the site, the world’s most popular social networking and social media site would land up in a lot of trouble.
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