Tim Lincecum wants moolah from the Giants - Fun
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Tim Lincecum wants moolah from the Giants

How much are we talking here? Well, a lot of money is at stake in this arbitration. He, apparently, has asked a whopping $ 21.5 million from the Giants.
Damn! that is like too much. Does he even deserve that much?

Reps of the young pitcher and the San Francisco Giants submitted the necessary papers for the salary revision for the services of the pitcher in 2012. Tim’s reps believed that hes must get $ 21.5 million in the upcoming season for his amazing pitching services.

But, the club offered him just $17 million. The club feels that the amount is pretty much justified as he is still new in the business.

He might be new in the game, but this man has got skills as he has been awarded with the Cy Young Award not once but twice. Industry experts feel that he got a great raise as he earned only $ 13 million in the last season (2011).
After the arbitration, Vice President of San Francisco Giants’ baseball operations Bobby Evans commented that they are hopeful that both the parties will agree on a common point which favors both of them.

He added that so far the talks are on and they have not reached at any conclusion point but soon they will.  I hope they will, as this player is one hell of a starting pitcher and gives his all in every game.

Arbitration is a rather boring period for fans as it is all about numbers and players filing their papers and expecting a raise. But we all know that seldom the club pays them what they expect that they should get. And what follows is all media hoopla and cover stories.

The right hand pitcher started his career on July 15, 2007 and he played his first match for San Francisco Giants. He has been given nicknames like Big Time Timmy Jim and The Freaky Franchise. 

Let’s see if Tim can manage to crack this deal and renew the contract with San Francisco Giants. It will be a great achievement for him if he can manage to convince the club.
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